Sacred land, healing water. Magic powers of hot mineral springs.

Here, the sulphur rich water bubbles from under large rocks into small, natural rock and mud filled pools. Adjacent runs a brisk, clear canyon stream. It’s no secret the benefits of mitochondrial cleansing. Through sudden temperature shock. Prolonged immersion in the rushing cold mountain stream forces your body to work to regulate temperature. At first it’s cold but, if you let your body adjust. You just might find you enjoy the cold more than the hot. It’s a rush!
This cold shock of energized rushing water, after a long hot soak in geothermic mineral water totes many benefits. Super charging circulation and tightening pores. Boosting immunity, metabolism and improving mood. Most importantly, increasing adaptability to environmental stress and engaging a mechanism deep within hour cell code that promotes youthful regeneration.
The smell of sulphur permeates the air, and your hair. Book online, space is limited daily, we recommend the 8am slot for a private sunrise experience. While you are in Ojai, boost your flow and relax your experience with some Hemp Elixir from Ojai Energetics. CBD promotes homeostasis or balance.
The combination will magnify your experience.